Saturday, August 16, 2008

Canada vs The World

Back on July 1st, a ball hockey game was organized by a couple of local bars to celebrate Canada Day in San Juan del Sur, with some expat Canadians taking on a team recruited from the various other nationalities in town. A basketball court was the venue and the game was hard fought, although chaotic since no one really knew the rules, occasionally lapsing into slapstick comedy. The outcome was a predictable walkover for Team Canada, but the internationals demanded a re-match and this week, in the spirit of the Olympics, the second game in this historic series was held.


As the teams lined up for the face off, I was wondering who would be the referee, but it was obviously the barefoot, bikini clad girl at centre ice, who has never seen a hockey game in her life. Dropping the ball, she sprinted for the sidelines as sticks flailed.

The first period ended with a 4-1 lead for team Canada and both teams retired to the barbecue for beer. Periods were shortened to fifteen minutes for this game, since it was unlikely the most of the players could last a full twenty. In the end, the internationals suffered a 10-7 loss to the Canadians' superior skills.

The teams lined up for the traditional handshake and then returned to the barbecue for burgers and more beer, later moving to the bar sponsoring the winning side for in depth post game analysis.

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