Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hand-me-down World

Yesterday, a middle-aged local woman walked through the market in San Juan del Sur carrying an infant and wearing a t-shirt with the words "VOTE FOR PEDRO" printed on the front in large red letters. It is fairly certain that she has never seen, or heard of, the film Napoleon Dynamite and likely believes that Pedro is just a candidate in the upcoming civic elections.

You may never have wondered where the extra t-shirts went that were printed for the charity event you attended, or what happened to the horrible plaid shirt you never wore and eventually gave to Goodwill, but it is very likely that they were bought by a jobber, bundled into a huge bail of similar items and shipped to Nicaragua, or somewhere much like it.

New clothes are too expensive for the vast majority of people here, so used clothing, discarded items, those that even the deepest discounts could not sell and factory seconds dress most Nicaraguans, an entire nation in first world hand-me-downs.

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